
About Me.

Oh! Look! There I am! :P
Yep, that's me...  Disgusting aren't I?

Welp, my name is Katie and I have weight issues. Obviously. I look like a fat cow.. Anywho, 10 random things about me:

  1. I adore Owls. Absolutely love them. I cannot get enough.
  2. I am not single, i'm quite in love, actually.. He is my best friend and the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. I LOVE YOU, BABY!!!
  3. I'm allergic to kiwi fruit... *sigh*
  4. I was a vegan at one point, and I hope to eventually go back to being a vegan sometime soon.
  5. ERM. I have a cat named Mittens. I will talk about her a lot. :3
  6. I like arts and crafts.
  7. I could live off of sparkling water. <3 LERVE ET.
  8. My life saver for when I have sugar cravings: Swiss Miss hot chocolate, the "diet" package. It only has 25 calories per packet!! Which is totally better than 200 calories per piece of chocolate.
  9. My favorite poem is "Seek Not My Heart" by Kit McCallum. 
  10. I used to self harm, I still have scars. It's a pretty touchy topic for me... I went through some pretty awful things... Maybe one day i'll tell all of you. One day...

My Stats:

Highest Weight: 140.0 pounds (groooooosssssss....)
Lowest Weight: 90.5 pounds (I miss that body....)
Current Weight: 125.7 pounds (10-22-2013)

Goal Weight #1: 120.0 pounds   [X] (11-13-2013)
Goal Weight #2: 110.0 pounds   []
Ultimate Goal Weight: 100 pounds   []

Stay Beautiful <3

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