
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Low Calorie Foods!

HEY, so i've been doing some researching, and I have put a list together for you! Here are some foods that are healthy and under 40 calories.

  1. Arugula: (4 calories per cup) Perfect in salads, soups, or anywhere you would use leafy greens.
  2. Asparagus: (27 calories per cup) This food is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals including A, E, C, K, B6, Folate, copper, iron and even protein.
  3. Broccoli: (30 per cup) Contains power antioxidants that improve your odds of breast cancer survival. 
  4. Broth: (10 per cup) Clear beef, chicken, miso, veggie, and seafood broths are a dieters secret weapon.
  5. Brussel Sprouts: (38 per cup) though many people don't like them, brussel sprouts are packed with cancer preventing phytonutrients and fiber!
  6. Cabbage: (22 per cup) crunchy, sweet and affordable! 
  7. Lettuce: (5 per cup) You can literally eat pounds of any kind of lettuce and not gain an ounce.
  8. COFFEE: (0 per cup!) Coffee alters levels of gut peptides, the hormones naturally released to control hunger or fullness.
  9. Mushrooms: (15 per cup) Incredibly low calorie and delicious.
  10. Watercress: (4 per cup) 
  11. Spinach: (7 per cup)
  12. Kale: (5 per cup) You can bake this veggie in the oven with some olive oil and salt and you have some delicious kale chips! 
  13. Tea: (0 calories)
  14. Celery: (16 per cup) 
  15. Carrots: (22 per 1/2 cup)

Getting Closer!

Hi guys! Sorry i've been away for so long, i'm trying to focus on school and my diet. I finished the ballerina diet and lost a bunch of weight! Right now I weigh 115.5 and I feel amazing ^_^
Since I finished the ballerina diet i've been trying to keep my calorie intake under 800 calories a day. I'm drinking lots of water (roughly 2 liters a day, maybe more) and exercising at least an hour a day.

Here are a few thinspirational black and white pictures! :)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I have yet to lose or gain a single pound since my last post. I am so utterly frustrated with myself… I have no idea what to do… My boyfriend has noted that I do look skinnier, and so has my mom. Tomorrow i'm fasting because it snowed today! Celebration of the first snow… Maybe I should fast for every day it snows?
I'm trying to find another girl who in my school who is pro ana. maybe then it will be easier to stay motivated?

Stay In Control <3

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Whaaaat? NO. New Diet.... >.>

NOOOOO.... I gained 3 pounds, and I don't even know how!! I've been sticking to the ABC diet religiously.. and any extra calories I burned off! So, i've decided to start the 10 day Ana challenge.
Here it is:

Wish me luck! I will be posting each day to update how I'm doing. Stay strong! <3

Friday, October 25, 2013

First Day Back.

Today was my first day back at school since last friday! I am soo behind on work, it's not even funny... ERG. Oh well... I'll catch up eventually.
You all should be very proud though! I stuck to my diet and the Ten Thin Commandments today! Today I am allowed 100 calories. And that is ALL that i've had, and I feel WONDERFUL. I did have a small handful of fat free, calorie reduced cheez-its, but I went for a mile long walk and walked it all back off! SO I'M GOOD! :)
Woot, Woot!!

Stay Awesome <3

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Sorry guys! I'm just going to post something really quick! I weighed myself this morning, and the number I saw got me so hyped up that I immediately ran to my room and started typing! Anyway, so yesterday night I weighed myself before I went to sleep... UGH, it had gone up since that morning.. I was at 127.4!! Gross, I know... So I decided that I was going to fast today and I was so upset my number went up. Now I woke up about and hour ago, laid in bed thinking about all different kinds of things.. Mostly random things. Well, when I weighed myself, my number came to be 123.1!!! SCORE!
ERMAHGERD. Now you know why i'm so excited.

Also, I will be seeing my boyfriend this afternoon. I cannot wait, I haven't seen him since Friday of last week.

Stay Happy <3

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fasting Tomorrow!

I've decided that I am fasting tomorrow because I feel full today. Even though I didn't exceed my calorie limit for today, I still feel disgusting. Tomorrow will be my cleansing day. Since I will be fasting, I am going to give myself a little treat and have a "Me Day" (spa day for myself)! NO food. ONLY water.
Wish me luck, my pretties!

Stay motivated! <3

First Post On My Brand New Blog.

     Hello all of you! To start this off I must say a few things: I will be using this blog as my Pro Ana "Diary." The names I will mention will not be the real names of any of my friends, family or acquaintances. If you do not agree with the things I am posting, I am sorry. You can leave comments and/or email me if you have any suggestions or if you need to just talk to someone. I'm here!
     Oh! I forgot! My name is Katie Dunning, and I am 16 years old. I have been a secret Pro-Ana follower for the past 4 years. Ana has been there for me when I needed help, so I stay by her side. The last 4 years have been a roller coaster with my weight. None of my family members know about my little obsession, neither do my friends at school. My boyfriend has no idea either. I love him to death, but I don't think he could ever understand how much I need restriction. If I told him about all of this, he would flip. 
     A few years ago (4 and a half years-ish) I went through something extremely traumatic. It made me not care about myself. I gained over 30 pounds in ONLY 2 months. I was disgusting. I was fat. I was being bullied by people who I thought were my "friends." At first, it didn't really bother me too much. Then I started listening to the names they called me. They called me "fatty," "gross," and "ugly." Several times I was told that I looked like a man. I was dying inside... I stopped eating and became obsessed with the beautiful Pro-Ana websites and blogs. I lost so much weight, but I was happy! Every time the number on my scale dropped, I threw myself a little party and fasted the next day. BUT every now and then I get a little side tracked and start gaining pounds like crazy.... Thats when I get depressed. WELL, ANYWAY... :P That's enough for today. I hoped you guys enjoy this post and the rest of the posts that I have yet to write!

Stats for today: maximum intake allowance: 500 (day two of ABC Diet)
Breakfast- 1 bottled water, 1/4th of an apple, broth made from a bullion cube. (40 calories
Lunch- 1 bottled water. (0 calories)
Dinner- 1 bottled water and 1 can of Progresso Light Chicken Pot Pie soup. (200 calories)
Extras- 1 weight watchers Snickerdoodle ice cream sandwich and one cookie. (yes... i know, bad Katie...) (200 calories)
Total Calories Consumed- 440 calories

Stay Skinny! <3